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Showing posts from April, 2007

Embed Picasa Web Albums Slideshow

Installation : 1.   Go to the album you want to display in Picasa Web Album .   2.   Right-click on the button and " Copy shortcut " ( ? ).   3.         e.g. htt p:// com/jsmith/Album2007?authkey=kqiIFUT#s123456789123456789 4.         e.g. My Beautiful Album 5.   Post to my blog       (You have to be logged in to your Blogger account) 6.   Not at       Get the code

Add a search form in Blogger

Search Add a search engine in the sidebar of your blog. <form id="searchThis" action="/search" style="display:inline;" method="get"><input id="searchBox" name="q" type="text"/> <input id="searchButton" value="Go" type="submit"/></form>


» Download XML «


» Download XML « A beautiful blog design created by John Oxton and Denis Radenkovic . Here the background images .