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Wordpress Shorten URL Plugin

Automatically shortens the blog post URL via

This plugin adds ability to instantly create short URL/link for post, pages, categories, archieves, users, tags, custom taxonomies or custom post types and stores it in the database, to make it easier for users to recall and share it with friends and readers, it can also be used to hide your referrer links.

To Show the Short link of current page or post use the following shortcode on post or widget:


To quickly shorten any External URL within post use the following short code:

Example: taking as example

[refli-url u=""]

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `refli-short-urls` folder to `/wp-content/plugins/`.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. In the blog post edit window using Button "Get shortlink" to get short link of this post.

== Changelog ==

= 0.5 =
* Added Shortcode functionality, instantly shorten external links using shortcode.

= 0.2 =
* Fix bug in call to undefined function.

= 0.1 =

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I use the refli_show_url() function? =
This function can be used in your theme files. For example, we echo refli_show_url() in post.php and this will show "".

== Upgrade Notice ==
= None. =


  1. When i activate it i can't post nothing.... My new post page is blank and i can see only the header of the post. WordPress version 3.8

  2. Must be some problem with your theme compatibility, can you provide us temporary access to WordPress dashboard? send info to


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